What a Week!
https://fatmumslim.com.au/make-life-good-12-put-inspiring-quote-wall/ |
What a great week of training I’ve had this week. Everything
that could have gone right, just seemed to go right. I performed well in every
workout I completed this week and enjoyed every second of it. On Monday, I
worked up to a 1RM of 52.5kg on my squat clean when my previous had been 45kg. Without even realising (and taking lots of rests in between lifts),
I managed to squat clean my own bodyweight!
On Tuesday, I did 3x10 reps of deadlifts and I managed to
get through this at a reasonably challenging weight of 55kg. Focusing on my
form, I made sure that every rep was as perfect as I could get it, extending
the legs and leaning back into it. I also completed a crazy partner WOD which
was so fun, pushing myself to go at 30kg throughout. (You can find this WOD on my WOD page)
On Thursday, I completed the Martin Bell hero WOD which I
had previously completed in April. The previous time I did 100 deadlifts at 25kg,
50 thrusters at 15kg and 50 pull-ups using the easiest level of band assistance.
On Thursday, I powered through my 100 deadlifts at 45kg, completed my thrusters
at 20kg and used the green assistance band (which is one band up) to help me on
my pull-ups. Not only does this show my strength progress but the fact that I got
further through the workout highlights my overall progress with different movements
and endurance.
If you know me, you know that I have a strong dislike and
fear for snatches. I don’t think I will ever feel comfortable (and
not overthink the movement too much) at anything over 20kg. However, during the
super Saturday workout, I made myself do 50 snatches at 20kg. They felt fine
and I really made sure I focused on engaging my back and driving from hips.
Together with my brilliant and motivating partner, we managed to complete two
rounds of a really gruelling WOD.
Isn’t it great when you have a week where everything just
feels right and you feel like you’re on fire? Yet not everything week is like
that is it? Sometimes we have those weeks where everything goes wrong and we feel
like pressing the snooze button and curling up in bed forever.
But it’s OK to have those kind of weeks too. We are human after all! What
is vital is knowing how to overcome those bad weeks and take some positives out
of them.
I have recently been listening to Ben Bergeron’s great podcast called Chasing Excellence. One podcast that
really resonated with me was the one named The
Secret to the Good Life in which Ben discusses the most important questions
to ask yourself when achieving your life’s mission. Now without getting too
deep, he simply explains how feelings are often misguided and stem from our
evolutionary survival emotions that come from being in a tribe and from hunting
for food. In our evolutionary past, certain triggers, such as hearing a twig
snap, could spark our fight/flight emotions and make us fearful of the unknown. Nowadays the triggers we encounter are very different. Yet we are often guilty of being fearful of entering outside our comfort zone and just waiting to feel motivated to get up and go. Ben goes on to say that our evolutionary
feelings often lie to us and cascade into just wanting to fit in and not work
on weaknesses. However, if you aren’t striving to achieve your life’s mission, be
it achieving everything you ever wanted or just simply living your best and
most fulfilled life, it is hardly likely you’ll ever accomplish it. By sitting
and waiting to feel motivated or passionate, you are being held back by your
evolutionary feelings. Ultimately, the things you are most fearful of
or unmotivated to do should act as a signal to 100% go and do!
Don’t want to go to the gym? Go!
Don’t want to study for that important exam? Go!
Don’t want to do that presentation in front of everyone at
work? Go!
Don’t want to write that book? Go!
Don’t want to talk about that certain thing you’ve been
worrying about for ages? GO!
Everything you decide to do in life should set you on the
path to completing the most important (and not urgent) thing you want to
achieve. This is how we can overcome those weeks when nothing is going to plan.
Life is full of surprises and how we deal with those surprises impacts on how
we accomplish everything we want to.
So I hope you have a great week, but if things aren’t going
so well, stop and think…how can I turn this into a positive? How are my
feelings of fear or discouragement affecting how my week is going and how can I
improve on that? Take positives in everything you do and if you’re fearful of
doing something new or out of your comfort zone, let it be a signal to 100% go and do!
https://fatmumslim.com.au/make-life-good-12-put-inspiring-quote-wall/ |
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