What Is Your Reason 'Why'?

Winter can be the hardest month to stay motivated for the gym. Sometimes the last thing you want to do when it's pitch black at 4pm and -5 degrees outside is head to the gym. That is probably why people are most likely to quit in the final months of the year. 

So we need to re-focus our minds on our reason 'why'. Why do we still work out? Why do we strive to achieve more? We need to remind ourselves why we train hard and stay motivated. From how it makes us feel, to seeing our weekly progress, it's good to find our reason 'why' when we're lacking enthusiasm for midweek sessions in the wind and rain. 


It has been proven that high intensity workouts lead to the release of endorphins. Endorphins are the body's natural happy pills that when triggered, leave us feeling positive and in high spirits. Similar to that post-WOD euphoric feeling when you're high-fiving your gym squad after completing a challenging workout. Frequent release of endorphins improves our self-esteem, whilst also warding off anxiety and depression. They also interact with receptors in our brain to reduce the perception of pain. 

So when you're thinking about skipping a session, remind yourself of that post-workout buzz and remember how good you feel after you've trained. Let’s face it, you never regret a workout more than a missed one!



The more we work out, the more we can see and feel ourselves getting fitter and stronger. When you start noticing your progress with endurance, strength and flexibility, you start believing you can achieve more. 

This drive and determination is what keeps us going when we are unmotivated to go and spend an hour at the gym, especially during the cold winter months. 

Yet this same determination also becomes obvious in our professional lives, as being driven becomes a personality trait. I have noticed a huge difference in my work performance since starting CrossFit. I am more determined and more switched on and it is definitely showing in my performance levels. Especially after morning workouts, where I feel more driven than mornings when I don't train.

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Lifting weights you never thought you could lift and achieving milestones you once thought were impossible, does wonders for building our self-confidence. 

A lack of confidence can often be a hindrance in our personal and professional lives, making us seem anti-social and negative. Yet finding something we are good at and enjoy makes us stand a little taller and be more confident in our everyday lives. 

Yet too much self-confidence can also be off-putting and CrossFit helps me keep my feet on the ground because there will always be something that I can work to improve on.



Over the previous eight months, I have noticed my body change and I'm proud of every part that is toned and muscular because it shows all my hard work and progress. I am proud of my traps and abs and why shouldn't I be? 

Being happy with the way our body looks is something that doesn't happen overnight and people can often name more than five things they dislike about their appearance yet struggle to list parts they do like. Exercise is a great way to learn how to love our body and I know from personal experience that if I'm happier with the way I look, I'm a lot happier with everything else in my life. And as an added bonus, people start noticing that you look great and that boosts your self-esteem as well.



There is no question that my motivation and pure love for working out has rubbed off on the people around me. Colleagues now stop me in work to talk to me about their progress at the gym. 

My boyfriend, who joined CrossFit after my family and I talked him into it, has made huge improvements to his lifting and cardio, as well as losing a tonne of weight in the process.

It is always great to work out with your friend or partner as you keep each other motivated and can celebrate all the little every day gym gains. Enjoying personal training sessions together also allows you to spend valuable time with friends and loved ones whilst enduring great workouts that are specific to what you want to train.



During your fitness journey, you may start to notice that you start to change some of your eating and drinking habits because you can see the results from just training, making you think about what further progress can be made from simply eating the right food. 

I know personally that I think about what I am eating throughout the day as I train in the evenings, so therefore I want to make sure I fuel my body right. 

Now don't get me wrong, I still pig out at the weekends and when I'm not feeling 100% I'll demolish a big chocolate bar quicker than the next person, but I eat well during the week as that is when I do most of my training. Healthier choices will have long-term benefits for our mind and body and it's all thanks to exercising more.



Experiencing success, no matter how big or small, is an amazing feeling which can leave us infinitely happy for the rest of the day or week. 

The one thing that is great about training at a CrossFit box is that whenever you achieve something great, there is always someone there to celebrate with you.

I managed five strict pull-ups the other day and the whole class were there supporting me through it and congratulating me. The feeling of everyone cheering you on makes you feel unstoppable and able to achieve anything you put your mind to.


So when it gets tough, remember why you love working out. Remember how happy it makes you and remind yourself of all the benefits from just an hour training session. Surround yourself with motivated gym buddies and tell yourself your reason 'why'.


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